Tuesday, October 5, 2010

BESTeam Weekly Feature: http://www.etsy.com/shop/ourhometoyours

A BESTeam interview with: Our Home To Yours

How did you get started?
Debbi-My mother was an artist, so I've always been involved in art and craft stuff.
Mandy-same with me. Nana was a very big influence. I have always been involved with fine art, but picked up crafting the past year or so.

Where do you create?
Mandy just moved back home from out of state, so we can create together. Debbi's husband built her a studio on our property in Stony Point, NC.

Tell us how you decided on your shop name.
Debbi-I decided on the shop name, but I don't know why. lol
Mandy-I heard about Etsy on the Martha Stewart show, and we agreed to try it. So far, so good,haha.

Debbi-happily married to my best friend, we are therapeutic foster parents. We adopted Hannah (my model) in 2008, which made her the youngest of 9 kids.
Mandy-happily married to my best friend and we have 1 little boy (for now). But I come from a long line of New York polacks.
Debbi-yea, from my side!!! hahaha

What inspires you to create your products?
Debbi-pretty much anything and everything. Something I'll see in a magazine, the season of the year, a holiday, an urge.
Mandy-other etsy sellers and the Lion Brand newsletters.

How did you feel the first time someone actually paid money for something you had made?
Debbi-pleasantly surprised, lol.
Mandy-flattered and validated. I've always worried about my items, and it feels good that other people like them also.
Debbi-we artists are sometimes our own worst critics. But Mandy has great talent, especially in the fine arts. I'm hoping that now she's back and the studio is open, you'll see more artwork in the shop. I have trouble drawing a straight line, with a ruler, ;p

Where do you see yourself and your products in 10 years?
Debbi-I'm not trying to be the next Martha Stewart. I just like to express myself and I'm a strong believer in handmade gifts. I just want to be healthy, happy, and a witness of God's blessing to His children.
Mandy-yeah, me too. 

Any advice you would like to share with a newbie who may be reading this?
Debbi-do something in and for your shop everyday if possible, but don't spend all your time just promoting. Everything needs to be in balance, if you're too busy promoting your shop, there's no time to craft items to sell on the shop. Have good customer service, and a quality product.
Mandy-you have to be deligent with your shop, don't give up too easy.

Where can you be found online?
and we have a shop for our vintage records.

Special Offer for blog readers!
Our summer flip flops are 50% off right now, and we will offer 20% exclusivly to your readers. Just mention they read about us in your blog.


Unknown said...

Great info. I love the interview style ! wonderful stuff!!

Nina said...

Our Home To Yours have truly unique items, quite obviously made with love!

Domestic Goddess said...

Love the interview. What a fun way to do a feature.

ourhometoyours said...

thank you for this feature. answering questions like this keep us focused on the reasons we create.

Anonymous said...

Great interview! I love learning more about our BESteam members and their creative pursuits.